October 23, 2024 Uinta County Herald Legals



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED AS: MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK II LT 12 WAS SOLD ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2020, FOR 2019 DELINQUENT TAXES DUE UINTA COUNTY, WY which Tax Sale Certificate of Purchase is presently held by Gloria Scott; that said real estate is taxed in the name of: K & L RENTAL LLC, 567 ELM DR., MOUNTAIN VIEW, WY 82939-0835

There are no special assessments. The time for redemption will expire on FEBRUARY 6, 2025.  The undersigned, as owner of the Certificate of Purchase, # 7166, will apply to the Uinta County Treasurer for a tax deed on February 10, 2025.

Dated this 16th day of October, 2024.           GLORIA SCOTT

PUBLISHED: Oct. 23, 30, and Nov. 6, 2024     10234


Notice is hereby given that the Uinta County Conservation District (UCCD) is accepting bids for a Bear River Restoration Project to improve stream stability and reduce erosion and sediment loading in the Bear River.  The project involves stabilizing approximately 4,275 feet of the Bear River with natural channel design restoration techniques. The major portion of the work is installing 1,600 feet of toe-wood using materials that have been delivered to the site.  The project is located in Township 15N, Range 120W, Sections 8 and 17 north of the City of Evanston in southwest Wyoming.  Sealed bids will be accepted until 12:00 pm on Monday, November 18th, 2024, by the Uinta County Conservation District, 204 East Sage Street, P.O. Box 370, Lyman, WY 82937.  A mandatory pre-bid walk is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th at 10:00 am.  To obtain a bid packet with more detailed information regarding this request for bids, contact Kerri Sabey at the Uinta County Conservation District office at 307-288-0214 or ksabey.uccd@gmail.com.  Bids may be submitted through mail, email, or brought to the UCCD office.

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          102311




Plaintiff(s)       )           CV-2020-066

vs.Trista Palmasano, Defendant(s)   )


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 6th of November, 2024 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at the Uinta County Sheriff's Office, located at 77 County Road 109, Evanston, WY, Uinta County, Wyoming, the Sheriff of Uinta County, Wyoming, will, in accord with a Court Order, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for the benefit of Plaintiff(s) Wyoming Credit Association, who has obtained Judgment against Defendant(s) Trista Palmasano through the Circuit Court, Third Judicial District, County of Uinta, State of Wyoming, in the sum of $2222.89 issued on in the above listed matter, the said Sheriff to sell at public auction Defendant's property consisting of:

2009 NISSAN ROGUE VIN# JN8AS58V09W436163

a list of such property having been filed with the District Court, Third Judicial District, County of Uinta, State of Wyoming, in Civil Matter#: CV-2020-066 and attached to that certain Writ of Execution filed therein.

DATED this 23rd of October, 2024

Andy Kopp, Sheriff

Uinta County, Wyoming

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          10239






Rebecca Diane Pauly, Defendant(s)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 6th of November, 2024 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at the Uinta County Sheriff's Office, located at 77 County Road 109, Evanston, WY, Uinta County, Wyoming, the Sheriff of Uinta County, Wyoming, will, in accord with a Court Order, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for the benefit of Plaintiff(s) Wyoming Credit Association, who has obtained Judgment against Defendant(s) Rebecca Dian Pauly through the Circuit Court, Third Judicial District, County of Uinta, State of Wyoming, in the sum of $7341.82 issued on in the above listed matter, the said Sheriff to sell at public auction Defendant's property consisting of:


a list of such property having been filed with the District Court, Third Judicial District, County of Uinta, State of Wyoming, in Civil Matter # CV-2020-0495 and attached to that certain Writ of Execution filed therein.

DATED this 23rd of October, 2024

Andy Kopp, Sheriff

Uinta County, Wyoming

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          10238


In the Matter of the Estate of           )


Deceased.                   )           Probate No: 2024-CV-94


To: All persons interested in the Estate of Trevor Samuel Boyd:

You are hereby notified that on the September 16, 2024, Bonnie McCoy filed an application in the Third Judicial District Court in and for the County of Uinta, State of Wyoming, stating that Trevor Samuel Boyd died November 16, 2020; that he was a resident of Wyoming; and that he owned a parcel of real property located in Uinta County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows:


Said application prays that the Court enter a decree establishing right and title of real property owned at the decedent’s death, setting over decedent’s interest therein to Bonnie McCoy.

You are hereby further notified that all persons interested must submit their claim to the Uinta County Courthouse in Evanston, Wyoming, within 30 days of the first date of publication, then any claim against the decedent will be forever barred.

DATED this 16th day of October 2024.

/s/ David A. Harmon

David A. Harmon II

95 E Flaming Gorge Way

Green River WY 82935

(307) 875-3909

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          10235


To: Miguel A. Mendez - Notice is hereby given that on November 1, 2024, 12:00 p.m., at 1907 Harrison Dr., Evanston, WY 82930 the undersigned will sell at public auction in accordance with 29-7-101 a 1993 Honda, VIN 1HFSC2240PA500181, for the sum of $1,995.00 for services rendered.

Dated: October 15, 2024        Kent Anderson

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          10231


The applications below were filed with the Division of Water Rights in Uintah County, Utah. These are informal proceedings per Rule 655-6-2. Protests concerning an application must be legibly written or typed, contain the name and mailing address of the protesting party, STATE THE APPLICATION NUMBER PROTESTED, CITE REASONS FOR THE PROTEST, and REQUEST A HEARING, if desired. Also, A $15 FEE MUST BE INCLUDED FOR EACH APPLICATION PROTESTED. Protests must be filed with the Division of Water Rights on or before Nov. 19, 2024 either electronically using the Division`s on-line Protest of Application form, by hand delivery to a Division office, or by mail at PO Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300. Please visit waterrights.utah.gov or call (801)538-7240 for additional information.


23-4042 (A84434): Amy Herrera propose(s) using 1.48 ac-ft. from groundwater (Woodruff area) for DOMESTIC; IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING.


23-3890 (a52210): R. Kent and Dana L. Call propose(s) using 0.392 ac-ft. from the Unnamed Tributary (1/2 Mile NE of Bug Lake) for STOCKWATERING.

Teresa Wilhelmsen, P.E.

State Engineer

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          10232


To: Bridger Lake, LLC - Notice is hereby given that on Nov. 4, 2024, 10:00 a.m., at 4900 W. Wallick Road, Cheyenne, WY the undersigned will sell at public auction in accordance with 29-7-101 a 2012 Big Tex Trailer, VIN 16VAX1218C4A43887, for the sum of $5,000  for services rendered.

Dated: Oct. 18, 2024   Bridger Swan Ranch, LLC

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          102310


Notice is hereby given that Storage Stable at 51 Arrowhead Drive 

In the city of Evanston, Wy. Will sell the following units by online bids at BID13.COM bidding begins October 30th at 10:00am.

Jacob Garza Unit #1004 VIN #1GCHK23D56F147654; 75 N Main St #218 Wilits, Ca;  Natasha Mohrmann Unit #386; 2884 Yellow Creek Rd 1104 Evanston, Wy

PUBLISHED: October 23, and 30, 2024          10233


Public Water System Name: City of Evanston Wyoming

PWS ID No.: WY5600150

The City of Evanston public water system is focused on protecting the health of every household and business in our community. This notice contains important information about your drinking water.

City crews have been working to identify water service line materials throughout the water system and to create an inventory of all water service lines within the City of Evanston. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires the inventory to classify the service lines into the following categories:

  • Lead: Any portion of the pipe that is made of lead, which connects the water main to the building.
  • Galvanized Requiring Replacement (GRR): A galvanized service line that is or ever was downstream of a lead service line or is currently downstream of an unknown service line.
  • A galvanized line that is NOT downstream of a lead line is considered “non-lead”.
  • Non-Lead: The service line is determined not to be lead or GRR through an evidence-based record, method, or technique.
  • Unknown: The service line material is not known to be a lead, GRR, or non-lead, such as where there is no documented evidence supporting material classification.

City of Evanston Service Line Inventory as of October 9, 2024:

  • 4,163 total water service lines.
  • 2,916 service lines classified as non-lead.
  • 1,247 unknown service lines.
  • This inventory was submitted to the EPA on October 9, 2024.

Pertaining to the unknown water service lines:

  • Any owner of an unknown service line must be notified that their service line is not known. This notification will be sent to home and business owners by Nov. 15, 2024.
  • The public must have access to the inventory.It will be available on the City of Evanston website and available in hard copy on November 15, 2024.
  • City Crews will continue to work to verify all unknown water service lines and document the material.
  • Annual updates of the inventory will be made available.

No evidence of lead service lines has been found upon thorough examination of all available records of the water lines within the City of Evanston as of submission date. We will continue to work to verify all unknown water service lines and document the material. All information regarding water quality testing and reporting can be found on the City of Evanston website below, or a paper copy is available at City Hall, 1200 Main St.


The Following Information is required literature from the EPA:

The water pipe (called a service line) that connects your home, building, or other structure to the water main is made from unknown material but may be lead. Because a service line material is unknown, there is the potential that some or all of the service line could be made of lead or galvanized pipe that was previously connected to lead. People living in homes with a lead or galvanized pipe previously connected to a lead service line have an increased risk of exposure to lead from their drinking water.

Health effects of lead

Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age groups. Infants and children can have decreases in IQ and attention span. Lead exposure can lead to new learning and behavior problems or worsen existing learning and behavior problems. The children of women who are exposed to lead before or during pregnancy can have increased risk of these negative health effects. Adults can have increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney, or nervous system problems.

Steps you can take to reduce lead in drinking water.

Below are recommended actions that you may take, separately or in combination, if you are concerned about lead in your drinking water. The list also includes where you may find more information and is not intended to be a complete list or to imply that all actions equally reduce lead in drinking water.

  • Use your filter properly. Using a filter can reduce lead in drinking water. If you use a filter, it should be certified to remove lead. Read any directions provided with the filter to learn how to properly install, maintain, and use your cartridge and when to replace it. Using the cartridge after it has expired can make it less effective at removing lead. Do not run hot water through the filter. For more information on facts and advice on home water filtration systems, visit EPA’s website at https://www.epa.gov/water-research/consumer-tool-identifying-point-use-and-pitcher-filters-certified-reduce-lead.
  • Clean your aerator. Regularly remove and clean your faucet’s screen (also known as an aerator). Sediment, debris, and lead particles can collect in your aerator. If lead particles are caught in the aerator, lead can get into your water.
  • Use cold water. Do not use hot water from the tap for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula as lead dissolves more easily into hot water. Boiling water does not remove lead from water.
  • Run your water. The more time water has been sitting in pipes providing water to your home, the more lead it may contain. Before drinking, flush your home’s pipes by running the tap, taking a shower, doing laundry, or doing a load of dishes. The amount of time to run the water will depend on whether your home has a lead service line or not, as well as the length and diameter of the service line and the amount of plumbing in your home.
  • Learn about construction in your neighborhood. Construction may cause more lead to be released from a lead service line or galvanized service line if present. Contact us to find out about any construction or maintenance work that may disturb your service line.
  • Have your water tested. Contact us, your water utility, to have your water tested and to learn more about the lead levels in your drinking water. Alternatively, you may contact a certified laboratory to have your water tested for lead. A list of certified laboratories is available at https://www.epa.gov/region8-waterops/certified-drinking-water-laboratories-systems-wyoming-and-tribal-lands-epa-region. Note, a water sample may not adequately capture or represent all sources of lead that may be present. For information on sources of lead that include service lines and interior plumbing, please visit https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water#getinto.

Get your child tested to determine lead levels in their blood.

A family doctor or pediatrician can perform a blood test for lead and provide information about the health effects of lead. State, city, or county departments of health can also provide information about how you can have your child's blood tested for lead. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends public health actions when the level of lead in a child’s blood is 3.5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL) or more. For more information and links to CDC’s website, please visit https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water.

For more information on reducing lead exposure from your drinking water and the health effects of lead, visit EPA’s website at http://www.epa.gov/lead.

If you have questions concerning any of the information provided in this notice, or if you have information that could help us better describe your service line, contact us via:

Water System Contacts:

Gordon Robinson, Public Works Director, GordonRobinson@evanstonwy.org

Herman Roybal, Water Distribution and Collection Manager, HermanRoybal@evanstonwy.org

Brian Lonsway, Water Treatment Plant Manager, blonsway@evanstonwy.org

Carolyn Maddux, Administrative Assistant, cmaddux@evanstonwy.org

City of Evanston Public Works (307) 783-6450

PUBLISHED: October 23, 2024           10236


Evanston, Wyoming

October 15, 2024

The Uinta County Commissioners met in regular session on October 15, 2024 in the commission chambers, 225 9th Street, Evanston. Acting Chairman Brent Hatch convened meeting at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Eric South was present; Chairman Mark Anderson was excused. Also present: Amanda Hutchinson, Clerk; and Andy Kopp, Sheriff.


Motion South, second Hatch to approve the agenda amended to include Pete Liguori with a resolution, and Andy Kopp with 2 grant requests.  2 yes votes, passed.

Fort Bridger Airport

Kimberly Silvester, J-U-B Engineers, Inc. provided the commissioners with an update on the projects currently in progress at the Fort Bridger Airport.

Motion South, second Hatch to approve Task Order No. 45-24-006-002 (Amended) with J-U-B Engineers Inc. for engineering services at the Fort Bridger Airport increasing the maximum amount by $8,000 to an amount not to exceed $18,000 for fiscal year 2025 as presented by Silvester.  2 yes votes, passed.

Motion South, second Hatch to approve a contract with J-U-B Engineers, Inc. for engineering services at the Fort Bridger Airport for the Fort Bridger Seal Coat and Mark Pavement Surfaces Project as requested by Silvester.  2 yes votes, passed.

Health Insurance Stop Loss Renewal

Motion South, second Hatch to authorize Chairman Anderson to sign the Stop Loss Insurance renewal once coverage changes are made and the new contract is received as requested by Amanda Hutchinson, County Clerk.  2 yes votes, passed.

Wyoming Horse Racing Resolution

Motion South, second Hatch to approve Resolution 24-41 allowing Wyoming Horse Racing, LLC to expand its operations at its Prospector Drive location to offer an additional 736 gaming terminals for a total of 1,036 terminals as requested by Pete Liguori, Chesapeake Gaming Group.  2 yes votes, passed.

Highway Safety Grants

Motion South, second Hatch to approve a Highway Safety Grant with the Wyoming Dept. of Transportation Highway Safety Program for the administration of the Impaired Driving program for $5,605.50 from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025 as requested by Andy Kopp, Sheriff.  2 yes votes, passed.

Motion South, second Hatch to approve a Highway Safety Grant with the Wyoming Dept. of Transportation Highway Safety Program for the administration of the Occupant Protection program for $4,540.91 from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025 as requested by Kopp.  2 yes votes, passed.

Public Comments

Commissioner Hatch commended the fire department on their quick response and containment of the recent local fire.


Motion South, second Hatch to approve the minutes of the October 1, 2024 meeting.  2 yes votes, passed.


Motion South, second Hatch to approve warrants 463871 through 463986. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANTS: Ace Disposal, Inc., $735.52, Garbage Disposal; A-Gas US Holdings Inc, $3,389.00, Prof Services; All West Communications, $1,683.93, Phone/Internet Service; All West Communications, $1,683.93, Professional Services; AT&T Mobility LLC, $1,616.07, Phone Lines; Benedict Ace Hardware, $37.97, Supplies; Benedict Trading Company, $21.55, Hardware/Supplies; BIGZZ Sanitation, $870.00, Toilet Rentals; BMO Financial Group (Assessor), $1,670.75, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Attorney), $1,058.70, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (CoClerk), $867.97, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Communications, $1,598.29, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Commissary), $155.00, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Commissioners), $625.46, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Drug Court), $256.11, Credit Card; BMO Financial Group (EmgMngt), $211.89, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Extension), $508.66, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Grounds), $173.58, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (IT), $1,661.66, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Landfill), $531.89, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Maintenance), $4,073.46, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Museum), $485.21, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Public Health), $4,923.48, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Planning), $11,267.43, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Road&Bridge), $68.24, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Sheriff), $3,114.60, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (Treasurer), $351.29, Credit Cards; BMO Financial Group (VOCA), $89.30, Credit Cards; Bridgerland Carquest, $428.79, Auto Parts; Bridger Valley Electric, $3,113.33, Utilities; Bridger Valley Joint Powers Board, $112.00, Utilitites; Erickson, Glade, $1,217.90, Vehicle Repairs; Bridger Valley Pioneer, $2,665.59, Advertising; Cara Enterprises Inc, $389.00, FCC Licensing; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Ext), $20.25, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (IT), $47.39, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Maint), $3,007.87, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (PH), $253.90, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Planning), $186.19, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (RBW), $70.58, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Sheriff), $9,561.47, Fuel; Cazin's, $549.29, Hardware/Landscaping; Century Link, $2,276.82, Telephone; City Drug Inc, $4,394.11, Medical; City Of Evanston, $3,281.67, Utilities; Clerk Of District Court (General), $727.35, Supplies; Codale Electric Supply Inc, $14.20, Parts; Communications Technologies, Inc, $1,530.00, Parts; Cook Brothers Broadcasting, $97.50, Advertising; Crandall Funeral Home Inc, $2,250.00, Professional Services; DBT Transportation Services LLC, $578.58, Airport Services; Delta Dental Plan Of Wyo, $50.35, Dental Insurance; Deru's, $46.23, Bldg Maintenance; Ellingford Bros., Inc. (Maint), $492.00, Concrete/Parts; Evanston Uinta Joint Powers Bd, $505.94, Rent; Fire Supression Services Inc, $3,121.59, Repairs; Forensic Medicine & Pathology, PLLC, $600.00, Autopsy; Francom, D Mckay, DDS, $940.00, Medical; Freeway Tire, $1,269.56, Tires; Grainger, $99.62, Maintenance; Grass Valley a Business Trust, $400.00, Rental Assistance; Greenwood Mapping, Inc., $1,133.00, Redistricting; IBS, Inc, $640.41, Parts; Rocky Mountain Battery LLC, $726.75, Battery; John Deere Financial (Maint), $160.00, Hardware/Maintenance; Judicial Dialog Systems, $3,960.00, Software/Support; Kallas Automotive, $2,082.29, Auto Parts; Loretta H Kallas, $21.46, Reimbursment; Mckesson Medical Surgical, $111.77, Medical Supplies; MedicoMart Inc, $30,004.10, Medical Supply; Morgan Industries Inc, $6,137.50, Prof Services; Morcon Industrial Specialty, $125.55, Equipment/Safety/Parts; Mountain West Business Solutions, $76.87, Copier Maintenance; Norris, Dave dba Dave Norris Const, $149,978.00, Contract Services; Norco, Inc., $416.41, Parts; Walton Industries LLC Dba, $325.00, Windshield; Peak Environmental Management, Inc, $100.00, Registration; Cindy F. Martinez dba Personnel, $100.00, Professional Services; Plainsman Printing, $875.10, Supplies; Dominion Energy, $1,605.12, Utilities; Dominion Energy, $1,605.12, Assistance; Dominion Energy, $35.45, Utilities; Dominion Energy, $35.45, Assistance; Quill Corp, $585.62, Office Supplies; Real Kleen Janitorial (DBA), $2,250.50, Janitorial; RelaDyne West LLC, $27,965.68, Fuel; Rocky Mountain Power (Utilities), $299.20, Electricity; Rocky Mountain Power (Assist), $607.30, Utility Assistance; James K Sanderson, $354.72, Legal Services; Schofield Schalow, Eleanor Victoria, $2,416.00, Professional Services; Skaggs Companies Inc Dba, $1,797.00, Uniforms; Sprinkler Supply Co., Inc., $602.68, Parts; Stone Security LLC, $2,191.20, Prof Services; SUMMIT FOOD SERVICES, LLC, $10,971.62, Food Contract Services;  T-7 Inc Propane Services, $211.93, Propane; Terra GIS, $6,007.00, Mapping Services; Town Of Lyman, $323.00, Utilities; Town Of Mt View, $550.63, Utilitites; Kennon C Tubbs MD LLC, $4,600.00, Prisoner Medical; Tynsky Law Office PC, $770.00, Professional Services; UINTA COUNTY TREASURER (HEALTH PLAN, $1,058.61, Uinta County Health Plan; Uinta Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, $128,553.00, Automotive; Uinta County Fair Board, $67,500.00, Support Funds; Uinta Co Herald, $3,392.23, Advertising/Subscription; Uinta County Museum, $191.65, Support Funds; Uinta Co Treasurer (Postage), $1,638.60, Postage; Uinta Recycling Inc, $2,733.33, Support Funds; Uinta County Treasurer, $1,137.66, Petty Cash; Union Telephone Company, $1,087.76, Cell/Telephone; Vector Disease Control Int, LLC, $25,000.00, Aerial Spraying; VSP OF WYOMING, $13.34, Insurance; Wazitech Technical Solutions, $8,314.20, Professional Services; Westar Printing, $4,062.13, Printing; Wheeler Machinery Co, $1,739.92, Equipment Parts; Winter Equipment Company Inc, $4,860.14, Equipment; Wyo Law Enforcement Academy, $3,397.90, Training; Wyoming Retirement System, $3,225.00, Pension Plan; Wyoming Waste Services - Rock, $335.80, Garbage Disposal; Rocky Mountain Yeti, $10.25, Auto Parts. 2 yes votes, passed.

Meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.

David Mark Anderson, Chairman


Attest:Amanda Hutchinson, UINTA COUNTY CLERK

PUBLISHED: October 23, 2024           10237



IN THE MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF )           Civil Action Case

Dominick Joseph Moore , Petitioner )           No. 24-CV-102


You are hereby notified that a Petition for Change of Name, Civil Action No. 24-CV-102 has been filed on behalf of Dominick Joseph Moore in the Wyoming District Court for the 3rd Judicial District, whose address is 225 9th Street, Evanston, WY 82930, the object and prayer of which is to change the name of the above-named person from Dominick Joseph Moore to Dominick Joseph Coburn.

Any objection must be filed with the District Court within 30 days following the last date of publication of this notice, or an Order Granting Name Change may be granted without further notice.

Dated this 30th day of September, 2024.

By Clerk of Court:  /s/ Trisha Tobiason, Deputy

PUBLISHED: Oct. 16, 23, 30 and Nov. 6, 2024            10168


Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules and Regulations, notice is hereby given of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power (RMP or the Company) for authority to reduce the Carbon Capture Compliance Charge (Schedule 198) from 0.30% to 0.12% per month, and find that the costs incurred from 2022 through August 2024, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes §§ 37-18-101 and 37-18-102, and the Commission’s rules regarding low-carbon portfolio standards (collectively, HB 200 requirements) were prudently incurred.

  1. RMP is a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, engaged in the business of supplying electric utility service to customers throughout its six-state service territory, including Wyoming. RMP is a public utility subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction. Wyo. Stat. §§37-1-101(a)(vi)(C) and 37-2-112.
  2. On October 1, 2024, RMP filed an Application to reduce the Schedule 198 rate from 0.30% to 0.12% per month on an interim basis, beginning January 1, 2025. Schedule 198 is a balancing account mechanism that tracks incremental costs to comply with HB 200 requirements, and revenues collected through a monthly carbon capture compliance surcharge that is based on forecasted costs. RMP requests the decrease as the projected approximate $1.0 million in annual revenue, in addition to the proposed Schedule 198 ending balance, would provide adequate revenue for future investigations into the economic and technical feasibility of carbon capture at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4.
  3. RMP states in its Application that Schedule 198 has collected $3.139 million in revenue and $556,103.33 in deferred costs, an over collection of $2.68 million. RMP requests that costs incurred from January 2022 through August 2024 to comply with the HB 200 requirements, totaling approximately $556,103.33, be found to be prudently incurred. These costs include consultant fees and internal travel expenses for developing and submitting the initial plan, the first update to the initial plan, and the final plan; conducting the Request for Proposals (RFP), and Request for Information (RFI) processes, review of the RFP results; and developing the Jim Bridger FEED study scope of work.
  4. This is not a complete description of the Application. Interested persons may inspect it at the Commission’s office or online at: https://dms.wyo.gov/external/publicusers.aspx (Enter Record No. 17694).
  5. Anyone wishing to file a statement, intervention petition, protest or request for a public hearing in this matter must do so in writing filed with the Commission on or before November 8, 2024. Any intervention request filed with the Commission shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. Please be sure to mention Docket No. 20000-672-ET-24 in all correspondence with the Commission.
  6. If you wish to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing which you will attend and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Commission at (307) 777-7427 or write to the Commission, 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications-impaired persons may contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay at 711.

DATED: October 9, 2024

PUBLISHED: October 16, and 23, 2024          10165


WHEREAS, default in the payment of principal and interest has occurred under the terms of a Promissory Note (the "Note") dated November 8, 2018, executed and delivered by Jessie Rasmussen and Makenzie Rasmussen (“Mortgagors”) to SecurityNational Mortgage Company, and a real estate Mortgage (the "Mortgage") of the same date securing the Note, which Mortgage was executed and delivered by said Mortgagors, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for SecurityNational Mortgage Company, its successors and assigns, as Mortgagee, and which Mortgage was recorded on November 8, 2018, at Reception No. 1061699, in Book 1074, at Page 389-398 in the public records in the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Uinta County, State of Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, the Mortgage was assigned for value as follows:

Assignee: Planet Home Lending, LLC

Assignment dated: August 10, 2022

Assignment recorded: August 10, 2022

Assignment recording information: at Reception No. 1128223, in Book 2043, at Page 772

All in the records of the County Clerk and ex-officio Register of Deeds in and for Uinta County, Wyoming.

WHEREAS, the Mortgage contains a power of sale which by reason of said default, the Mortgagee declares to have become operative, and no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof, nor has any such suit or proceeding been instituted and the same discontinued; and

WHEREAS, written notice of intent to foreclose the Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon the record owner and the party in possession of the mortgaged premises at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this publication, and the amount due upon the Mortgage as of October 10, 2024 being the total sum of $181,218.11, plus interest, costs expended, late charges, and attorneys' fees accruing thereafter through the date of sale;

WHEREAS, the property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale. Any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid;

WHEREAS, if the foreclosure sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of his/her/its money paid.  The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagee, Mortgagor, Servicer or their attorneys;

NOW, THEREFORE Planet Home Lending LLC, as the Mortgagee, will have the Mortgage foreclosed as by law provided by causing the mortgaged property to be sold at public venue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Uinta County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on November 13, 2024 at the information desk at the Uinta County Courthouse located at 225 9th Street, Evanston, WY 82930, for application on the above described amounts secured by the Mortgage, said mortgaged property being described as follows, to-wit:

Lot 26 of the Second Amended Plat of Southridge Park Subdivision, being located in the City of Evanston, Uinta County, Wyoming, according to the plat recorded October 11, 1984, as Instrument No. R15772, in the office of the Uinta County Clerk. 

With an address of 161 Elkridge Lane, Evanston, WY 82930 (the undersigned disclaims liability for any error in the address).

Together with all improvements thereon situate and all fixtures and appurtenances thereto.

Mortgagee shall have the exclusive right to rescind the foreclosure sale during the redemption period.  In the event that the sale is rescinded or vacated for any reason, the successful purchaser shall only be entitled to a refund of their purchase price and/or statutory interest rate.

Dated: October 4, 2024          Planet Home Lending LLC

By: Brigham J. Lundberg

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111


HWM File # WY21385

PUBLISHED: Oct. 16, 23, 30 and Nov. 6, 2024            10167