The Uinta County Conservation District is taking orders for seedling trees and shrubs to be delivered in the spring. Seedlings are a great, cost-effective way to establish conservation plantings …
On Jan. 9, Vickie Fruits, the vice president of the VFW Auxiliary, accepted a check for $13,750 from Lori Bateman of Cowboy Joe’s and Sportsworld. The funds were raised during last …
EVANSTON — After the owners of Basecamp decided to close the doors for that Evanston business, Tim Ray and Addicted Power Sports partner, local veterinarian Sam Nelson, purchased all of the …
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W ell, I’ve done it again. I’ve misplaced my cellphone. When I’m home, I keep it on my desk. Except when I don’t. And apparently I didn’t. Thus begins a frantic search, …
NOAA operates fleets of satellites, sensors on airplanes and ocean-going buoys, as well as radar, providing the data used by weather forecasters nationwide – and freely available to anyone.
(BPT) - Spring break takes on a whole new meaning when you become a parent. But that doesn't mean adults have to sacrifice all the fun for their kids.Kalahari Resorts & Conventions, home to …
(Family Features) Whether your brunch favorites include Bananas Foster French Toast or Peanut Butter and Apple, enjoying a meal together is a heartwarming way to start the day.
The rapper has mastered the delicate balance between commercial success and politically charged music. How far will he push the envelope on one of the world’s biggest stages?
(Family Features) For pet parents in the U.S., Valentine's Day is another chance to shower their pets with love. This Valentine's Day, consider these vet-recommended ways to show your pets just how much you love them.
SoFi examines the average salary in the U.S. and how income varies from state to state
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