I tried to make this clear in a previous column, but I could have done better. The recent voicemail scandal at Evanston City Hall had little to do with the actual voicemail itself; it was about, what …
Editor: I go to the majority of city council meetings and work sessions and find the reporting of Kayne Pyatt in the Uinta County Herald to be accurate and balanced. But do not take my word for …
Editor: There was a recent announcement that TerraPower has selected Sargent & Lundy (a world class architect/engineering firm) to design the Kemmerer Training Center for its Natrium reactor …
W yoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray campaigned two years ago vowing to improve “election integrity” in a state that’s had only four convictions for election fraud out of several …
Journalist Studs Terkel, who wrote “Working,” the classic oral history of Americans’ on-the-job lives, called Marvin Miller “the most effective union organizer since John L. …
The state may be in for a whole lot more theater in our legislature, and a whole lot less legitimate lawmaking. Legislative votes will be taken simply for use in elections, to hammer those who oppose …
Over several weeks, wildfires have ravaged northeastern Wyoming, burning nearly half a million acres of land in the Cowboy State and Montana. State firefighters have made progress containing the …
H ollywood can’t always be trusted to accurately portray reality or history, to say the least. But I fully enjoyed watching the facts go by in the premier of “Reagan,” which I …
Y ou probably know you should never answer your phone if the call is from an unknown number. So do I. But for some reason, I did it anyway a few days ago. And I was surprised to hear a real, live …
Editor: After reading the last two issues of the Uinta County Herald and watching city council meetings online, I have some thoughts. I am not interested and have no desire to see anyone …
Editor: The Williams/O’Neill fiasco could have been avoided if: • A genuine apology had been offered (those are never followed by ridicule); • A sincere assurance that …
If you would be kind and humor me, I’d like to share a story. One of my kids had a really — and I mean barely holding on by the merest strip of tissue — loose tooth. She was …
In politics, leading is much harder than being the bomb-throwing opposition, a lesson we are all about to watch the Wyoming Freedom Caucus learn in spades. On Election Night, the group appeared …
Thank goodness the Democrat Party’s magic act in Chicago is finally over. For four days we’ve had to watch the liberal media drool over Kamala Harris and her unimpressive VP choice, …
In December of 2023, I was appointed to the Evanston Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). Before joining the organization, I knew very little about all of the work the HPC has done over the years, …
Editor: I’m writing this letter in regards to the article in the July 31 issue of the Uinta County Herald entitled “City employee caught on hot mic disparaging citizen.” Quite …
I think aging has gotten a bad rap especially considering the fact that if we’re doing it, we’ve thus far escaped a much worse fate. And if you believe an article I read in Buzzfeed, …
W yoming really needs to clone Jeff Steinborn, a New Mexico state lawmaker, or elect someone just like him. Last year Steinborn, a Democrat, led a successful effort to ban the transportation and …
By Ryan Taylor As someone who works in Washington, D.C., I see a lot of government dysfunction firsthand. But there are few things I find more frustrating than when bureaucrats get …
F or Democrats this historic election is about only one issue — Trump. Whoever wins the White House, it won’t be because of issues like high inflation, trillion-dollar annual budget …