EVANSTON — A few orders of business were conducted at the Uinta County Commission meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16.
Wes Moon was approved to the Veterans Board; Commissioner Brent Hatch joined the Tripartite Board; and Commissioner Eric South was appointed to the Fire Protection Board. Each appointment is for a three-year term.
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EVANSTON — A few orders of business were conducted at the Uinta County Commission meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16.
Wes Moon was approved to the Veterans Board; Commissioner Brent Hatch joined the Tripartite Board; and Commissioner Eric South was appointed to the Fire Protection Board. Each appointment is for a three-year term.
A Fort Bridger Airport hangar lease agreement was approved for Charlie Bluemel, the precise lease dates to be confirmed at a later date.
Uinta County Clerk Amanda Hutchinson discussed the need for ratification of the previously-approved upgraded county employee vision plan through VSP. Commissioner Hatch asked whether insurance ID cards would be provided with the new plan; Hutchinson said they are not provided by the company, but her office would figure out a way to provide employees with printed documentation.
Hutchinson also requested a budget amendment concerning a significant amount line-item transfer. The particular inquiry was regarding an unused $908,000 from the Local Assist Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF).
Hutchinson requested that the full amount be transferred in an account for employee health insurance. The surplus of funds would then be redistributed into various and continuing fairground projects — including covering the $228,000 still owed on the grandstand upgrades. The commissioners approved the motion.
Jeff Breininger with Uinta County Maintenance explained that the JUB Engineering services agreement needed to be re-signed in respect to their fiscal year, which is a half-year differential from the county’s. The agreement allocates $10,000 per year to JUB, and the signature was required for them to receive the $5,000 second half of their annual payment. The commissioners agreed to sign the service contract.
Uinta County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Brenden Morrow presented the commissioners with the opportunity to change inmate communications providers. Morrow said by changing from Securus Technologies to NCIC Inmate Communications, inmates and their families would save money on phone and video calls, and the county would receive higher commissions.
Currently, phone calls from jail cost inmates and their families 21 cents a minute with Securus. With NCIC, communication would cost just 16 cents a minute. The county receives 6% commission with Securus, approximately $5.48 per inmate, compared to 50% commission, or $40 per inmate, with NCIC.
NCIC will package up the outgoing Securus equipment, and the latter will collect their property within 30 days. Morrow expects a quick and seamless transition. The commissioners approved the proposal.